In January I put together a pair of Het Albino Brazilian Rainbow
Boas, Bianca and Norbert, together for the 2016 breeding season.
The pair had been together previously with no luck. This
year they were finally ready to go. Saw them mating a
couple times in February along with a hemipenal shed in the
water bowl. I would have preferred to see more activity
but clearly in hind sight there was enough action between them.
On March 19th Bianca shed which placed her due date as July
14th. She exhibited typical gravid female activity like
hugging the heat, refusing meals and visibly getting larger.
On 06/21 I used my fetal heart monitor to check for baby heart
beats and while they were not super easy to find I was able to
detect some so I was sure there were babies in there. Of
course no way to know exactly how many or even if they were
healthy enough to go full term. On the morning of July
14th, I checked on her to find her in her hide box having just
delivered her litter. And even better, clearly there are
Albino babies in the mix.


Bianca gravid and soaking up the heat...

July 14th, the babies are here including ALBINOS...

After cleaning up the babies...

All the Albino babies together for a pic...

After the were all cleaned up the final count was 3.4 Albinos
and 5.7 66% het Albinos. All full term, no yolk and decent
size at 30 - 35 grams each. No slugs and no still born
babies. All in all an amazing litter.