In 2007 a local girl produced a litter of baby Brazilian
Rainbow Boa's that showed some promising dorsal zig-zag
striping. She brought them over and I bought 1.1 of them
at 4 days old. My intent was to raise them up in hopes of
working out a line of zig-zag striped Brazilian Rainbow Boas.
Ziggy and Zoe when I got them in 2007


I bred these two together in 2011 and I do track all the
breeding details so I had an estimated due date of 10/12/2011.
I was watching her, she was clearly gravid. I was still
hoping for more zig-zag stripes but was not thinking this litter
to be anything super special. I was oh so wrong.
On 10/08, four days before her due date, I walked into the
BRB room to find find Zoe's cage door all fogged up and this
little gem in the corner on the right side door hinge. Oh
my, what is this?

I saw some normal ones slithering around and then spotted
this other odd looking baby on the left side hinge.

As I was pulling babies I find

The four FULL stripe babies....

Sadly, both of the parents of Ziggy and Zoe were lost by the
breeder before any more could be produced.
More pics of some Candy Stripe babies..

See the BRB collection page for more recent pics.
11/05/2012 - Zoe and Ziggy had a second litter of babies with
More Super candy Stripes.
0.2 Super Candy Stripes
0.3 Candy Stripes
0.1 Possible Candy Stripe
2.1 Normals

And a few pics of the 2012 Super Candy Stripes with their
older sister Zena
