Site last updated


My Pairings page is now up to date with all the 2025 Couples.  Introduced on 11/17/2024, I am already seeing lots of breeding activity.

All 2024
babies are on the available page.

CANDY STRIPE BRB's -Now TWO litters produced from the same pairing. BOTH with Super Candy Stripe babies!!
Click here for details/pics

ALBINO BRB's -07/14/2016 Bianca delivered an amazing litter with 3.4 Albinos and 5.7 het Albinos. All healthy full term babies.
Click here for details/pics




Note: Due to increasing FedEx shipping fees, we've had to raise our shipping rate to $90.



05/19/2024 First litter of 2024.  Shelley x Gabriel (DH Snow x DH Snow) 10 very healthy babies.  2.2 Albino, 1.1 Anery and 0.4 Normals.  No Snows yet.
Check out the available Shelley babies HERE


05/31/2024 Trixie x Jacob (Dh Ghost x DH Ghost) dropped a litter of 12 babies, all normals.  Looks like Jacob is NOT a DH Ghost since Trixie is proven.
Check out the available Trixie babies HERE.

06/01/2024 Aubergine x Jean Claude (Zebra Pearl x Super Zebra Pearl) dropped an amazing litter of 9 Zebra Pearls ranging al the way up to 62Z.  (70 is maximum expression)
Check out the available Aubergine babies HERE.


06/04/2024 Breanna x Gabriel (Het Anery 66% Het Albino x DH Snow) dropped a nice litter of 10 babies with Anery and Normals.  Looks like Breanna didn't prove out.
Check out the available Breanna babies HERE.


07/12/2024 Belatrix x Jacob (Anery het Hypo x Dh Ghost) dropped a litter 12 babies all normal.  Yup, Jacob is NOT a DH Ghost as he was sold to me.
Check out the available Belatrix babies HERE.

07/15/2024 Brooke x Pablo (Picasso line x Picasso) dropped a litter of 11 Picasso's and normals.
Check out the available Brooke babies HERE.


08/10/2024 Khaleesi x Elmer (color litter) Dropped a nice litter of 16 babies.
Check out the available Khaleesi babies HERE.



Our main objectives are to ensure that we supply only high quality animals and unparalleled customer satisfaction. 

Contact us at:

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Ordering - This site intentionally does not have any "buy it now" or shopping cart features.  Please contact us directly at rainbowsrus@sbcglobal.net
or 408-506-3075 to purchase any of our animals. 


Upcoming reptile shows


March 15th & 16th
Pleasanton Reptile show
Alameda County Fairgrounds
4501 Pleasanton Ave
Pleasanton, CA 94566

April 26th & 27th
Sacramento Reptile Show
Cal Expo
1600 Exposition Ave
Sacramento, CA 95815


June 21st & 22nd
San Jose Reptile Show
Santa Clara County Fairgrounds
344 Tully Road
San Jose, CA 95111


August 23rd & 24th
San Mateo Reptile Show
San Mateo County Event Center
1346 Saratoga Drive
San Mateo, CA 94403


September 27th & 28th
Sacramento Reptile Show
Cal Expo
1600 Exposition Ave
Sacramento, CA 95815


October 25th & 26th
Tulare Reptile Show
Exhibition and Trade Center
620 S K Street
Tulare, CA 93274


November 8th & 9th
Lodi Reptile Show
Lodi Grape Festival Fairgrounds
413 East Lockeford St.
Lodi, CA 95240










Brazilian Rainbow Boa pairings for 2023 (will be) are now up on the Pairings page. I introduced the males on November XX and several pairs got right to it. Great start to the 2023 BRB season.

Check out the Pairings page for details.





Dave Colling
Email Us